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The main points of our legal documents:
- Terms & Conditions
- This site uses cookies (mainly for functionality and convenience of the user).
- Users can post content, they are responsible for said content, and we can use/publish said content without restriction or payment.
- We have the right to control (delete/modify) the content and services of our website at our own discretion.
- We are not responsible for links to any third-party websites or anything that happens outside of our website.
- Content Policy
- Guidelines on what not to publish or use the site for (ex: illegal stuff and/or doing bad things).
- If you discover bad stuff on the site, please report it.
- Consequences that will likely happen if you do stuff that you shouldn’t do on the site.
- Disclaimer
- We are not responsible for what you do on or with our website and its content.
- We are not lawyers or financial advisors or experts in any other field and any recommendation/advice you take from our site is at your own risk.
- No warranties and/or guarantees of the usability or accessibility of the website or its services or its content.
- Privacy Policy
- Our site does collect some information, login (username and email address), IP address, and the content you add.
- Private information is private (we make a reasonable effort to keep it that way) and that non-private information can be publicly available.
- What we do with what information and who can access it.
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