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Magee Shortcodes βš™

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Below are the available shortcodes and what they do.

  • Accordion Shortcode: Accordion shortcode is a vertically collapsing element to show and hide content via the click heading panel, It is very suitable for FAQs page.
  • Alert Shortcode: Alert shortcode provides an easy way to create a predefined alert, warning, error, or notice message box.
  • Animation Shortcode: Animation shortcode lets an element gradually change from one style to another. You can change as many properties as you want, as many times as you want.
  • Audio Shortcode: Audio shortcode creates mp3\ogg\wav audio player.
  • Bar Chart Shortcode: Bar Chart shortcode provides an easy way to create bar charts with chart data.
  • Button Shortcode: There are 8 button styles and 4 button sizes you can choose.
  • Carousel Shortcode: It works with a series of images, text, or custom markup. It also includes support for previous/next controls and indicators.
  • Column Shortcode: There are 12 types of content columns for the Column shortcode, which can meet most of the column requirements.
  • Contact Shortcode: Contact Form provides an easy way to create a contact form for your site.
  • Countdown Timer Shortcode: Set the day, hour, minute, and second for the online countdown timer, and start it. Alternatively, you can set the date and time to count till (or from) the event.
  • Counter Shortcode: Count up with a number animation.
  • Custom Box Shortcode: Text box with a background image.
  • Dailymotion Shortcode: Embed a video in your post/page from Dailymotion.
  • Divider Shortcode: Divider Shortcode provides 10 styles of the divider.
  • Document Viewer Shortcode: Document Viewer Shortcode is a shortcode that can open all of your internet documents directly from a web browser.
  • Doughnut Chart Shortcode: You can now create a clean and minimalist animated chart that’s also fully customizable. This animated donut chart can be very effective in regard to data representation.
  • Dropcap Letter Shortcode: A drop cap is the first letter of a chapter and is derived from the Latin for β€œstanding at the beginning”.
  • Dummy Image Shortcode: Dummy image shortcode gets dummy images from Lorempixel. HTTP only, HTTPS sites are not supported. – Not supported on this site.
  • Dummy Text Shortcode: Displays dummy text from Lorem Ipsum. HTTP only, HTTPS sites are not supported. – Not supported on this site.
  • Expand Text Shortcode: Specifies additional details that the user can view or hide on demand.
  • Feature Boxes Shortcode: Feature Boxes Shortcode with optional icons/images and multiple layouts.
  • Flip Box Shortcode: Flip Box shortcode is basically a div that flips when you hover over a certain element and can be achieved using CSS alone.
  • Google Map Shortcode: Google map with custom info box.
  • Heading Shortcode: Heading Shortcode provides 5 styles of heading.
  • Highlight Shortcode: Text highlight with a custom background color.
  • Icon Shortcode: Font Awesome icons shortcode.
  • Image Banner: Clickable image with zoom effect on hover.
  • Image Compare Shortcode: Image Compare Shortcode is a slider that can be controlled, and can be pulled by the customer to show less of the before image and a more noteworthy measure of the after image, and a different way. These types of image comparison sliders are quite popular at the moment and very effective in showing the differences between 2 images.
  • Image Frame Shortcode: Image with lightbox or custom link.
  • Label Shortcode: label text with a background color.
  • Line Chart Shortcode: A line chart is drawn by interconnecting all data points in data series using straight line segments.
  • List Shortcode: Text list with custom icons.
  • Menu
  • Modal Box Shortcode: The Modal Box shortcode is a dialog box/popup window that is displayed on top of the current page.
  • Panel Shortcode: A content box with a heading.
  • Person Shortcode: A person shortcode is used to display team member information.
  • Piechart Shortcode: Pie Chart is a type of graph that displays data in a circular shape and is generally used to show percentage or proportional data.
  • Popover Shortcode: The Popover shortcode is like a tooltip, but it can persist after hovering off or clicking. It allows displaying more content including header & footer.
  • Portfolio Shortcode: Portfolio list with categories filter or carousel.
  • Pricing Shortcode: Fancy box with pricing information.
  • Process Steps Shortcode: Process Steps with custom icons.
  • Progress Bar Shortcode: Progress Bar with stripe & animation.
  • Promo Box Shortcode: Fancy text box with a button.
  • Pullquote Shortcode: A short excerpt from the presented text, used to pull a text passage out of the reader’s flow and give it a more dominant position in the post or the article. (β‰  block quote)
  • QR Code Shortcode: Generates a QR code that can be scanned for contact information or a web address.
  • Quote Shortcode: Actually a blockquote, used for an external citation that isn’t already mentioned in the article. (a little fancier than the blockquote built in the editor)
  • RSS Feed Shortcode: Get articles from an RSS feed URL and include them in your post/page.
  • Scheduled Shortcode: Select a time in one day to show the content.
  • Section Shortcode: Content section with background and beautiful separators, you can also use it with columns shortcode.
  • Slider Shortcode: Slideshow a few photos or slide < > through images left or right manually.
  • Social Shortcode: Create an icon with a link using Font Awesome and some effects.
  • Table Shortcode: Add some style to your table.
  • Tabs Shortcode: Turn your one very long page into a couple of short tabbed pages.
  • Targeted Shortcode: Targeted Content Shortcode, displays content by role (‘private’ for the author only, ‘members’ for logged-in users, or ‘guests’ for users not logged in).
  • Testimonial Shortcode: Decorative testimonial quote with an avatar image, author name, and title.
  • Timeline Shortcode: Display events on a horizontal timeline.
  • Tooltip Shortcode: Have text in a bubble above, below, left, or right of an object/text when you hover or click.
  • Video Shortcode: Embed a video in your post/page from another website. (please do not upload videos to our site)
  • Vimeo Shortcode: Embed a video in your post/page from Vimeo.
  • Weather Shortcode: Embed a weather report in your post/page from OpenWeatherMap.
  • Youtube Shortcode: Embed a weather report in your post/page from Youtube.

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